Collection: International Catalog

The Mallee Waterbowls and Birdbaths listed below can be shipped to the North America, UK, Europe and New Zealand. Shipping is provided by DHL or other international courier (eg. FedEx) with the shipping cost calculated at the end of the checkout process. Shipments typically arrive within 21 days from ordering but we cannot guarantee shipping times for international shipments.

Shipments to the US are not attracting any import duty. But shipments to other countries (Europe) may require a duties/taxes payment on arrival. Depending on the country, the amount may vary and you can check with your local customs office for details.

Each large and medium dish comes with a copper ring that can be used to mount the dish on a broad range of flat surfaces. The mini dish can be mounted on any surface: we like to support to on three points to ensure its stability. Unfortunately, we do not ship any stands; these are simply too voluminous to be economical.