FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Will the copper dish heat up in the sun?
No. Since the dish is filled with water any heat absorbed from the sun is dissipated through evaporation. If the dish is not filled with water it will heat up. Note that birds tend to prefer a dish in part shade. Dishes can be placed in full sun for a couple of weeks to accelerate the development of the patina if that is desired. Once the copper has tarnished off, it will attract more birds in part shade.
My copper dish has arrived but the stand has not?
Your stand is likely to arrive a day or two after your dish. Because of their size the stands are typically sorted manually at the depot and are hence separated from the dish. If the stand does not arrive after a couple of days, please contact us and we can chase it up for you.
How heavy is the sandstone plinth?
The sandstone plinth weighs 200-250kg and has to be maneuvered using a trolley. Please see the following page for more info on delivery and installation of plinths: https://shop.malleedesign.com.au/pages/handling-a-sandtsone-plinth
Why are birds not visiting my birdbath?
One of copper's benefits is that it stops algae growth. Water contaminated by algae is a greater problem for bird health.